If you laid your eyes on the Total Gym APEX G1 home gym but are not sure whether it’s the best option for your needs, this guide is for you.
As you probably know, the world of Total Gym evolved a lot over the years. We can now see so many different compact gym solutions, and most of them only differ in the resistance levels, weight capacity, additional accessories and obviously, their price.

For all of you newbies, let’s take a look at how the Total Gym solution has made big waves in the fitness industry, becoming one of the most popular home gym solutions to date.
Total Gym APEX Models (And How The G1 Stands Versus The G3 And G5)
Now that you have an idea how the Total Gym systems work, the main part of our review. Today, we will be reviewing the Total Gym APEX G1 which is the first in the line of three APEX models.
If you are new to these APEX models, you should know that they have been designed to be as versatile as possible, but come with different resistance levels and amount of exercises. Also, the three models are priced differently but the idea and mechanism is the same in each model.
Which brings us to the reviews.....
Total Gym APEX G1 Review
The Total Gym APEX G1 brings 6 different levels of resistance and more than 60 exercises, movements and tricks to use your body weight in order to tone up your muscles, lose weight and work out each day.
The system has the same idea as the others which revolves around a habit of working out 15 to 20 minutes per day. It supports people who weigh up to 300 pounds and is ideal for health maintenance, energy, total body exercise and losing weight.
The product puts your fitness goals within reach, giving you a simple bench with cables and attachments that you can easily store under your bed, in your closet or just place it in your favorite (empty) corner and make it your workout area.
Total Gym APEX G1 Vs. Total Gym APEX G3
Since the point of this review is to compare the models in the APEX family, we should start by noting that the G1 and G3 are quite similar in almost all of their features. The Total Gym APEX G3 is better in the fact that it has 8 levels of resistance and more than 70 exercises, which is only a dozen more than the G1 model.
If you are a beginner in the Total Gym experience, this won’t matter much to you. On the other hand, spending a few dollars extra to get more resistance levels may pay out in the future. However, we are certain that whichever model you choose from these two, you won’t make a mistake as they both support people of up to 300 pounds and live up the premise of having so many exercises for different muscle groups and parts of your body.
Total Gym APEX G1 Vs. Total Gym APEX G5
While the Total Gym APEX G1 and G3 models have only a couple of similarities which are not that big of a deal, we can see a bigger contrast when the G1 is compared to the Total Gym APEX G5 model.
First of all, the APEX G5 has 10 levels of resistance and more than 80 exercises, which is four levels of resistance more than the APEX G1 and 20 or more exercises supported within the system.
Its design is a bit better too, although the concept is the same and the materials used are quite the same. What is easily noticeable is the squat stand (larger than the G3 model, too) and the dip bars, leg pull accessory and training deck with holder.
So, in a way, the Total Gym APEX G5 is a home gym that is more suitable to people who have worked out for years. However, if you are new to the Total Gym or haven’t worked out in years, we suggest you pick any of the APEX G1 or APEX G5 models.
And now, time to reveal something that you should definitely read.
Why Any Total Gym Solution Is A Great Addition To Your Home
We are sure you have noticed how revolutionary technology has gotten over the past few years. Aside from smartphones, computers and wearables, the compact home gym industry has blossomed too, bringing a range of new innovations.
Total Gym is a product that perfectly fits this category. Without any weights involved, it lets you trade your gym membership for a cool corner in your room where you can work out and do even more exercises without having to pull weights or use dumbbells.
If your family is hooked on exercise, this can be your go-to fitness corner that everyone will love. The manufacturer clearly states that Total Gym is for people aged from 8 to 80, and that everyone can work out on the home gym without any problems.
With an adjustable slide board (that is adjusted by height and intensity), the Total Gym can benefit you on any day of the week – whether you want to pump your muscles in an intense exercise session or just relax and give extra strength your body over the weekend. Versatile and sturdy, the Total Gym solution promotes flexibility, which means that on most exercises, you can stretch out as far as you like.
In the end, it is easy to see that the Total Gym APEX G1 model is the entry-level in this family, but still perfect for beginners and intermediate users who want to spice up their home workouts. With a couple of details such as a squat stand and leg extension, the same weight capacity of 300 pounds, the Total Gym APEX G3 is a tad better but also a tad more expensive.
And then, there is the Total Gym APEX G5 which is the king of this family and the most sophisticated model in it that withstands people of up to 375 pounds. However, all of the extra accessories and features kind of make the G5 a home gym for people who know what they are doing and have been working out for years.
We hope that you can easily find yourself in some of these models and choose the best one for your needs and budget!